

페이지 정보

  • 최고관리자

  • 2024-09-06

  • 40 회

  • 0 건





ARTICLE 1 (Name) 

The name of the corporation is The Council on Korea-US Security Studies (COKUSS)

ARTICLE 2 (Office location)

The council office can be set up in Seoul, and can be set up in domestic and abroad with the resolution of the board meeting, if necessary.

Article 3 (Purpose)  

This council studies the issues and policies of national security assurance, researches, reviews and recommends peace in the East-Pacific region and ways for security cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the United States, and contributes to peace and cooperation among East Asia and the Pacific countries.

ARTICLE 4 (Business and Project) This meeting shall:

1. Academic research and policy recommendations on national security and external cooperation

2. Research, review and recommend policies and strategies for ROK-U.S. security and diplomatic cooperation

3. Analyze international security situation and exchange information and data based on ROK-U.S. cooperation

4. Enhancement and promotion of friendship for the advancement of ROK-U.S. security and/or foreign relations

5. Exchange in personnel, academics and information for peace and cooperation in the East Asia and the Pacific region

6. Promote cooperation and exchanges between the academia and the military and diplomatic circles in security and contribute to building public consensus on national security

7. Publish publications and hold academic conferences and research presentations for exchange of studies on security and international cooperation

8. Hold annual international ROK-US Security conference with the affiliated body, The Council on US-Korea Security Studies located in Washington, District of Columbia and enhance human network 

9. Promote teamwork between ROK-US security experts

10. Implement a profit project to secure the necessary resources for the above projects


ARTICLE 5 (Council Members and Qualification) 

This council consists of the following members. 

Regular Member: Former or incumbent  personnel of academic, diplomatic, foreign-relations, economic, media and military circles

Associate Member: Foreign personal 

Special Member: Special supporters and honorable personnel 

Honorary Member: Personnel invited from the General Assembly.

Corporate Member: Corporate  or special sponsorship organizations

ARTICLE 6 (Participation Procedure)

1. The members of this council shall be persons who comply with the provisions of Article 5 and shall complete the admission process for the purpose of this council and must be approved by the Board of Directors

2. The detailed procedure of entry shall be determined separately by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE 7 (Rights and Obligations of the members)

1. Rights: The regular members have the right to participate, to speak in the General Assembly, to vote, and to be elected. In addition, members of this council automatically become members of the affiliated council in US, CUSKOS. 

2. Obligations: The regular members shall comply with the articles of this council and the decisions of the General Assembly, and shall pay the membership fee. However, Associate and Honorary Members shall not be required to membership fee. Details such as the amount of the membership fee and the payment procedure shall be determined by the board separately.

ARTICLE 8 (Membership Withdrawal)

A member may withdraw from this meeting at any time by notifying the chairman in writing of their intention to withdraw.


ARTICLE 9 (the Expulsion of a Member)

The president shall give the opportunity for the member, if absent, to clarify to the board of directors. 

Article 9 (No. of members)

1. In the event a member makes a statement and acts that defame this council, the Board of Directors shall be able to resolve the expulsion

2. The Chairman shall present an opportunity to explain to the Board of Directors for the member. However, if one does not attend, one shall be deemed to have no intention to explain. 


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